Excursion: Tigre Delta
If you happen to be near Buenos Aires, have a look outside of it. There is a little town right next to it with
the lovely name of Tigre. The town itself is not so nice, rather normal. But take a boat trip (take the public boat to experience the daily live) and explore the delta it’s a very lovely place with its islands. Some porteños have their weekend house here and some live here and work in Buenos Aires.
If you have more than one day, stay overnight in one of the hostels, hotels or campings (only open in summer) on the islands you will experience this magic place totally different. I had the chance to do couchsurfing on one of the islands and coincidentally got to know a house were Jorge Luis Borges used to live in (only the locals know).
Furthermore (for cineasts) here is the place where they shot “Todos Tenemos un Plan”.