How to get from San Pedro to Uyuni
If you want to go to Bolivia directly be aware that the journey takes about 11 hours.
What to see in San Pedro de Atacama
There are a lot of things to see and do in San Pedro, so I rather talk about what I did.
Why you could but shouldn’t drink tap water in San Pedro de Atacama
The water in San Pedro de Atacama is considered as not drinkable, as it is in the desert, at least the guidebook says so. But…
What to see in Calama
Calama is a mine workers town. So what can one see here. Miners, Mines and Trucks.
What to see in Antofagasta
There is not that much to see in the second biggest city of Chile. But there is a historic center with Georgian buildings and the Torre Reloj has many similarities to the Big Ben.
What to see in La Serena
La Serena is a good starting point for the Valle del Elqui.
Excursion: Mamalluca Observatory
Visiting an observatory in northern Chile is a must. While newer ones are difficult to get an allowance to visit, the older ones are open for tourists and have daily (nightly) tours.
What to see in Valparaíso
Valparaíso is a little paradise. You can see it within four days or you can stay for the rest of your life, to see and discover it day by day. There is simply too much to see and it is changing so rapidly, that you have to revisit this city at least once.
What to see in Santiago
Santiago has a lot to offer, so I only pick out the things I liked the most.
Cooking show
Every Thursday at seven pm there is a cooking course in the Govindas near Cummings.
What to see in Puerto Varas
Puerto Varas is getting more and more tourists, as it has nice beaches and is close to trekking starts as well as a nice climate in summer time. However the town itself is not very nice.
What to see in and around Castro
Castro is a good point to start your excursions on Chiloé. Only for the northern and southern part of the island I would recommend Ancud or Quellon, where the Panamericana starts or ends.
Chilean Cuisine
Central Chilean Cuisine The long stretched out Chile has very different regions, because there are partly big distances between them. While the northern Chilean cuisine is very influenced by the Andean cuisine, the cuisine in Patagonia is influenced by the Mapuche and the immigrants from Europe. Both cuisines are treated separately. The island of Chiloé, on the other hand, has its very own cuisine. Therefore we focus here on the central Chilean cuisine and Chilean fast food. It has been strongly influenced by the indigenous people and European immigrants. In the past, farm life was the center of attention, as agriculture played an important economic role. These traditions are still…
Excursion: Parque Pumalín
Chaitén has a open air museum, it’s the remainings of some houses that were destroyed by the Volcán Chaitén in 2008. But the main reason why people visit Chaitén is, to do an excursion in the Pumalín Park.
Vegan Products in Chile
Marraqueta Most bread in Chile contains butter or lard or milk. But there is one that is accidentally vegan; the marraqueta, pan frances or pan batido. It is a white flour bread made out of yeast, water, salt and white wheat flour. And is one of the to most common breads in Chile. But it is not only typical in Chile but also in Bolivia (known as pan de batalla), Peru and el Salvador. The marraqueta characterizes through its form of four breads, which are assembled and can easily be broken apart, and its crunchiness. Did you know: Chile is, after Germany, the country with the second most consumption of…
Excursion: Ventisquero Colgante
The Parque Nacional Queulat offers a lot to see. There are treks all around the park, but the protagonist is the Ventisquero Colgante. The only problem is, how to get there.
What to see in Río Tranquilo
The reason people go to Río Tranquilo is because of the marble chapel and the marble cathedral. You might
What to see in Villa O’Higgins
Villa O’Higgins is the starting point or the end point of your trip to el Chaltén. It is also the starting point
Excursion: From El Chaltén to Villa O’Higgins
You can do this trek, if you don’t have your own car. It’s doable by bike or by foot. You can either walk the entire part until Candelario Mancilla or you can take a bus and a boat for the first 40 km.
Excursion: Torres del Paine
Everybody who reaches Puerto Natales wants to see Torres del Paine. If you want to do the W or the O you have to book in advance. If you are not willing to do or simply just can’t, don’t worry there are other options.
Excursion: The most inexpensive way to see the king penguins
If you reach Punta Arenas they will offer you an incredibly expensive tour to visit the king penguin colony in the Bahía Inútil (Useless bay).