Excursion: From El Chaltén to Villa O’Higgins
You can do this trek, if you don’t have your own car. It’s doable by bike or by foot. You can either walk the entire part until Candelario Mancilla or you can take a bus and a boat for the first 40 km.
What to see in El Chaltén
El Chaltén is the trekking mekka of Argentina. So there are of course a lot of treks to do. Some of them are shorter and some of them can take you days. There are also good places for rock climbing.
Vegan Products in Argentina
Finding soy milk in Argentina can be tricky. In the big cities you should have a look out for Chinese supermarkets. There you will normally find the Coca-Cola brand Ades, which is available in different tastes, such as vanilla, apple, orange, peach, nature. In smaller towns it is worth to check if the minimarkets, that have a Coca-Cola sign outside, also carry Ades, in el Chaltén for example there is one in the Comandante Arrua. Otherwise it is most probably available in a Dietetica. In Argentina you will not find much big supermarkets (only in big cities) but rather minimarkets with a lot of conqueror brands like Nestle, Coca-Cola and…
Excursion: Perito Moreno
Perito Moreno is one of the only Glaciers that is still growing. Or maybe you should say it’s the only one that grows faster than it melts.
What to see in Ushuaia
Ushuaia is a town all the travelers want to reach. It is the final destination for many of them or the beginning of an other adventure in the Antarctica.
What to see in Tolhuin
There start a lot of not well known treks in Tolhuin, so go and do them. Most of them are longer than a day trip and lead into the southern wilderness.
What to see in Puerto San Julian
Puerto San Julian has not that much to offer as Puerto Deseado, but it has its own charm.
What to see in Puerto Deseado
If you want to see other penguins than just the Magellan penguins, then this is your destination. Here you can see Rockhopper penguins and much more.
What to see in Comodoro Rivadavia
When I arrived in Comodoro Rivadavia, I thought this is the ugliest city I ever saw. I haven’t been to Rio Gallegos at that point. How ever there are some things to see near and in Comodoro Rivadavia.
What to see in Trelew
Some people like to see the Magellan penguins from Punta Tombo by making a trip from Puerto Madryn, but Trelew is actually nearer to that spot.
Excursion: Península Valdés
Most people come to Puerto Madryn to visit the Península Valdés and to sea whales and other sea animals.
What to see in El Bolsón and Esquel
If you are in El Bolsón you should definitely take your time for a hike. For example you could
What to see in Villa La Angostura
If you pass by Villa La Angostura you should go and visit the peninsula Quetrihué.
What to see in Junín de los Andes
Junín de los Andes has some things to see. There is a Mapuche museum, for example.
What to see in Chos Malal
Chos Malal has not much to offer at all. There is peace, tranquility and
Excursion: How to do the Ruta 40 between Mendoza and Chos Malal by bus
When you do a search on a standard internet platform you will not find a bus connection between those cities.
Excursion: Parque Aconcaqua
For this excursion I recommend to sleep in Uspallata, even though you might have to
What to see in Mendoza
Mendoza is a wine city and therefore it is a must for wine lovers to do a vine tour.
What to see in San Luis
San Luis is more like a province town but it is near the Sierra de las Quiadas national park, that can be visited
Excursion: Alta Gracia
You take the bus at the new part of the terminal in Córdoba, there are two or three companies with more or less the same price.
What to see in Córdoba
No, I talk about the Argentinian City, not the Spanish one…
What to see in Paraná
Paraná is more like a village compared to Santa Fe. It has a
What to see in Santa Fe
This city reminded me a bit of European cities, because it has a long pedestrian street with nice shops. On one end you get to the
What to see in Rosario
Rosario is the city where there is the monument of the flag, and therefore
Excursion: Tigre Delta
If you happen to be near Buenos Aires, have a look outside of it. There is a little town right next to it with
Argentinian Cuisine
Gaucho cuisine Gaucho cuisine is part of the Argentine national pride. Asado can be found in Argentina every weekend and is also common in the neighbouring countries of Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil. So don’t be surprised if the streets of Argentina smell of grilled meat on Sundays, because in summer the asado is held outside on the homegrill or just on the street. A Parilla is a grill restaurant that serves almost exclusively asado. Argentinians usually eat their asado with white bread and chimichurri. If you are invited as a vegetarian, however, they like to throw peppers with egg or other vegetables – mostly uncut – on the grill.…