What to see in Comodoro Rivadavia
When I arrived in Comodoro Rivadavia, I thought this is the ugliest city I ever saw. I haven’t been to Rio Gallegos at that point. How ever there are some things to see near and in Comodoro Rivadavia.
First of all Comodoro Rivadavia has an amazing couchsurfing community. You will not sleep on the street there. It’s absolutely impossible. Some of them are very interested in health food, by the way.
There is the museo del petroleo at km 3. As Comodoro Rivadavia is a petroleum city this makes sense, kind of.
The small town of Caleta Cordova is also worth a nice trip. But don’t count with vegan food (except french fries).
Near Sarmiento there is a bosque petrificado, a petrified forest. Local people recommend to only go there, when it’s not windy. Which might be very seldom.
You can get a vegan burger at Rawson 502 (direction). It’s a bar, but I forgot the name.