What to see in Puerto Deseado
If you want to see other penguins than just the Magellan penguins, then this is your destination. Here you can see Rockhopper penguins and much more.
There is an expensive tour to the isla de pinguinos to see the penguins. But with a vehicle on your own you’re also fine (I haven’t done the tour and can’t tell you if it’s abusive or not).
If you follow the Rio Deseado you will see a lot of flora and fauna such as flamingos and cormorants (sea birds and if you are lucky penguins). You also can see the tide and enjoy the beautiful landscape. Sometimes depending on the tide you can observe commerson dolphins.
If you follow the coast you will get to the circuito de las siete cuevas. A place you are only able to visit, when the tide is low.
Also accessible if you are with your own vehicle are the miradores de Darwin. The place Darwin had a look out and was painted.
Even though it is a bit complicated to reach Puerto Deseado by public transport and the hotels are expensive (I was couchsurfing), I definitely recommend it. Of all the towns between Comodoro Rivadavia and Rio Gallegos it is the most beautiful.
There are buses every day connecting Puerto Deseado with Caleta Olivia, where you have regular connections to the north and south.