Fruits that are not allowed to bring to the Galapagos Islands
there are some plants that are not allowed to bring to the Galapagos islands and ship in between them as they endanger the biosphere of the islands. Here is a list of them for preparation:
- wormwood
- apricot
- soursop
- “badea”
- dried coffee in whole grains
- star fruit
- cane
- cherry
- “chamico”
- chirimoya
- “chulco”
- fresh flowers
- forest species and their propagants
- raspberry
- pomegranate
- passionfruit
- currant
- gooseberry
- “guaba bejuco”
- “guaba machete”
- custard apple
- guava fruit
- plantain leaves
- fresh plant leaves
- lucuma
- maracuya
- “mashua”
- blackberry
- orange
- yam
- taro
- grass and its derives
- “plantas ornamentales” and their derives
- tabaco
- “taxo”
- earth and sand
- wheat
- prickly pear
- mamey sapote
There are also some plants that make trouble but are allowed restricted. Here some examples:
- avocado
- garlic
- beans
- brocoli
- corn
- coconut
- coliflour
- peach
- eucalipto
- dried flowers
- kiwi
- letuce
- lemon
- limon
- dried wood
- mandarin
- mango
- apple
- melon
- nuts
- potatoes
- papaya
- pear
- plantain
- seeds
- seeds of trees
- carrot
- zucchini
You can get a full list of them at the control points.