What to see in Cajamarca
Cajamarca is a small town in the Andes that’s mainly living on mines. There are not much restaurant options, and even less for vegans.
The city has a nice Cathedral and a room where the last Inca king died. The Baños del Inca, hot springs are close by and you can do a tour to Cumbemayo, a rock formation in the watershed of the continent.
Unfortunately this tour (starts at 9am and is 25 Soles/7.60$) highly commercial and not vegan, as indigenas are posing for photos with animal babies, while their mothers are crying for their children. Indigenas children are begging on the pathway too. Strong nerves are needed and the ability to not buy anything from those poor people, which is easier than you think, as the products are not vegan too. Helping those people through a trustful organization is anyway more effective. To do this trip individual a combi starts at 5am and 6am.

However Cajamarca is a stop between Trujillo and Chachapoyas. Buy the ticket on your arrival, the buses to Chachapoyas fill up fast. There are two companies with day and night buses, the journey lasts 12 hours. Virgen del Carmen has a vegetarian menu. Make sure to bring some extra food/fruits. Make sure to tell when boarding that you are vegan.
There is also the possibility to take two different mini vans (changing in Celendil) which take only 7 hours and seem to be cheaper too. Unfortunately I was told in Chachapoyas and I can’t tell you were to take it exactly.

I stayed at the Chakra Runa, a small hostel that has the charm of a shared flat, a good equipped kitchen and warm showers.