Health on the go
Quito has free nutrition consultation for everyone. It’s even possible to go as a traveler. All around the city there are light blue containers, where you can go for a health check. They measure the weight, the waist, the blood preasure and if necessary the glucose. And give consultation about eating habits and exercise behavior. On my last day I decided to try it out.
The funny thing was, as soon as she knew that I am vegan, she seemed to be super happy about it. They ask a lot of questions, which for sure are also to collect data. But they also give free tips and consultation. I have never seen this kind of prevention in Europe before, so those governments have a lot to learn from the Ecuadorian, when it comes to prevention work. I was a bit sad to see a piece of chicken on their healthy plate though. On the other hand it only was a part of it. The rest of the plate was composed of carbohydrates, beans and vegetables (on the brochure it is half veggies and fruits, more than a quarter of carbohydrates and a fifth of proteins). But as long as this means that they tell the people to cut down their meat consumption I am glad. It is still by far more, what western governments do for the health of their people.
As everything was okay with my results. She only advised me to make regular controls every six months and that I should try to add proteins to my breakfast in form of quinoa. For people with overweight they advise to do controls every month.
At the end I got a free fruit and some flyers that explain the way their control system works and educates about the modern diseases and one about the healthy plate.