The Space Center of Guyana
The European Space Center is situated in Kourou and is the heart of French Guyanas economy. They have a very ilustrative museum but you can also enjoy a guided tour to visit the Space Center itself. Here is what to do.
To visit you have to reserve 48h in advance over email or phone with the following data:
- Surname and Name
- Birthdate
- Town, Province and Country
At the day of the visit you need to bring a document of identification and your confirmation.
The tour is in French and free.
At the day of the tour you have reduced entre fee to the museum.
The tour is in the morning (8h) or in the afternoon (13h) and they show as much as accessible in the moment.
Before and after a start of a rocket the sight is closed.
More information here.
You want to see a rocket starting?
The opening times an fees for the museum are:
Monday-Friday 8h-18h
Saturday 14h-18h
Adult: 7€
Child/reduced entree: 4€
Reduced child: 2.50€