Vegan Products in Argentina
Finding soy milk in Argentina can be tricky. In the big cities you should have a look out for Chinese supermarkets. There you will normally find the Coca-Cola brand Ades, which is available in different tastes, such as vanilla, apple, orange, peach, nature. In smaller towns it is worth to check if the minimarkets, that have a Coca-Cola sign outside, also carry Ades, in el Chaltén for example there is one in the Comandante Arrua. Otherwise it is most probably available in a Dietetica.
In Argentina you will not find much big supermarkets (only in big cities) but rather minimarkets with a lot of conqueror brands like Nestle, Coca-Cola and Unilever. As those markets don’t have a big variety, you will not find special stuff. So where to go then? The dietética. Dietéticas have everything that is needed for a diet that does not belong to the Argentinian mainstream diet. As that one is anyway unhealthy, dietéticas do not only offer stuff for a vegan or gluten free diets but also health food in general. You will find grains, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, vegetable oils, vegetable milks, certain soy products, teas (special and organic ones), gluten free products, nutrition yeast, healthy and not so healthy snacks, flours, oats, legumes, rice crackers, natural cosmetics and so on. As those stores are not chains, every store has an individual selection and they vary depending on the region. In Buenos Aires you find one in almost every second block.