Vegan Products in Brasil

As I were not uploading my food hauls until now, I decided to put them all together on one post. I apologize for some bad pictures. Here they are: In Belem I bought a Ades soy drink unfortunately there was no natural one, so I chose the peach version. Unfortunately this one as well as some others it is not vegan! Carmine says hello! I really don’t get it, why they produce a soy drink, which is not vegan. Thank you Coca Cola.

By the way: I recommend to avoid Ades, because even the natural one contains so much sugar, that it tastes more than a soft drink than something else. And there is a sugar free version but it contains about three artificial sweeteners, which makes the drink not better. At least the soy is not transgenic.

The brand Jasmin found in São Luis shows, that it’s possible to get healthy food in Brazil. Some of their products, such as the cookies are even branded vegan. As far as I remember their products are even organic. They have also oat milk and soy milk of better quality than Ades. Generally to find alternatives to Ades you need to find a medium to big supermarket. Ades is cheapest with about 5 Reais (1.18€/1.35 CHF), alternatives range between 15 and 25 Reais (3.54-5.91€/4.05-6.70 CHF). So for some it’s probably better to have the oatmeal prepared with water.

A rack full of food by Jasmin.

In Olinda I found a handful of vegan power bars and peanut butter for hoarders.

In Lençois I found a nut mix in the supermarket by Tia Sonia, which is even branded vegan as well. And some organic power bars in the Pàdé Café Emporium, all of their bio mix bars are vegan. Here a selection.

Rio de Janeiro

In Rio de Janeiro the supermarkets have much more to offer than in the north, but they vary quite a bit.

Zona Sul has vegan chocolate, plant drinks (oat drink Scotti 13.95 Reais/3.29€/3.75 CHF), soy granulate and whole wheat products such as pasta, gnocchi (7.92 Reais/1.86€/2.10 CHF), brown and black rice as an example.

Extra has vegan bolognese sauce, soy meat, different candy bars and the Mãe Terra nut mixes (7.95 Reais/1.88€/2.15 CHF) (which I also found in the Carrefour in Manaus).

Last but not least there is the Hortifruti, which is a fruit and vegetable store with some groceries (when it’s a small or medium sized store) or even a whole supermarket with lots of veggies and also a big amount of health food groceries (and some unhealthy ones).

An example of foods from Hortifruti:

Bananas 1.97 Reais (0.46€/0.50 CHF)

Oats 7.98 Reais (1.88€/2.15 CHF)

Pitaya 10.94 Reais (2.58€/2.95 CHF)

Plums 3.70 Reais (0.87€/1.00 CHF)

Tomatoes 3.67 Reais (0.86€/1.00 CHF)

Onion 0.68 Reais (0.16€/0.20 CHF)

Garlic 1.95 Reais (0.46€/0.50 CHF)

Green pepper 0.60 Reais (0.14€/0.15 CHF

Cabbage 0.35 Reais (0.08€/0.10 CHF)

Eggplant 0.77 Reais (0.18€/0.20 CHF)

Walnuts 15.34 Reais (3.62€/4.10 CHF)

Carrot 0.99 Reais (0.23€/0.25 CHF)

Flaxseeds 4.98 Reais (1.17€/1.35 CHF)

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