What to see in Río Tranquilo
The reason people go to Río Tranquilo is because of the marble chapel and the marble cathedral. You might
arrive by bus at around nine in the morning and will go for a hostel. Most hostel are not online, so just don’t worry if you can’t make a reservation.
After that you should check immediately if the port is open. They hoist a red flag if it is closed, due to bad weather (wind). All of the offices have more or less the same prices and offerings. Do the tour as soon as possible, because the weather can be bad for more than one day. I waited three days and eventually gave up.
There are some trekking routes as well and the possibility to walk on a glacier, for a big amount of money.
I stayed at the Hostal Casa, which was fine but with a lot of house rules. One was the prohibition to fry. So no ugly smell of dead corpses.